Forest School Principle 1

This is the first is a series of posts exploring the Forest School Six Guiding Principles.
'Principle 1: Forest School is a long-term process of frequent and regular sessions in a woodland or natural environment, rather than a one-off visit. Planning, adaptation, observations and reviewing are integral elements of Forest School.'
At Nature of Learning, we encourage long term and regular participation in sessions and we just love to see the growth and development of our children and families over time (take a look some examples in the photos below! 😍)
Here's the science bit: according to A. H. Maslow's widely accepted 'self-actualisation' theory, in order to truly grow, a person first requires their physiological and safety needs to be met, followed by the need for a sense of love and belonging. After this comes the need for respect, recognition and self-esteem before finally they may achieve a state of 'self-actualisation'.
One of the best ways to support this process, and one of the most important aspects of our role as facilitators is the time and care we take in really getting to KNOW our participants. By providing unlimited time, space and support, all participants are enabled to find their feet in the natural, ever-changing environment and find their place within the community of unique individuals that make up our Forest School family.
When new families join us, it may perhaps seem surprising, at first, that we are not all singing, all dancing entertainers, constantly offering up the next stimulating activity, but this approach, like all we do at Forest School, is carefully thought out.
For it is when we have the trust and respect to stand back, observe and 'hold the space' for our participants, following THEIR lead and supporting and resourcing THEIR needs and interests that they are truly able to grow. 💚🌳
Follow us to see the rest of the posts in this series as they are published.